Thank you Madelleine my grief turned up as pebbles or stones, some light coloured, some dark, some heavy, some light, some cool, some cold and some hot! They needed permission to be here, to be witnessed and allowed. I tucked them up on a soft supportive sheltering bed. Thank you again. Turns out some of my fears are my sorrows needing to be heard.

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This is beautiful, Michelle, thank you so much for sharing!!

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Awww gorgeous. What an incredible journey this has been to take. How are you feeling now? I’ll add some more to my comment above because I went on to journey through more grief the weekend I did this.

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Thanks Amber, I look forward to hearing more. I’ve been derailed by migraine so no energy to spare for anything but holding on - and distracting myself with your comment!

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Ahhh sorry to hear that. Maybe a question for post-recovery….Do you feel any connection with your grief journey and resulting attack? The reason I ask is because the grief I connected with is a certain trigger for attack in me (I’ve been working with it, through it and healing it for years and yet a certain scenario still triggers full blown attack). In this journey I went some way to letting that go (def more than I ever have done). But after the wkend (when more grief/sadness surfaced) and healing and releasing, I didn’t have chance to integrate the healing before going into a wkend long event (which I think triggered a little episode on the Sunday). So I’m intrigued. But def no expectation or rush to respond.

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For me, on this occasion I think it wasn’t a particular trigger - I see how it could be. I’m due for my next botox and occipital nerve block treatment and the migraines have been creeping back for the past fortnight, not helped by the summer heat.

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I bet the appointment can’t come soon enough. Hope you’ve been ok as can be today😘

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This is so powerful, thanks so much !!

I had two elements of grief to deal with, both recent triggers - one big enough to trigger migraine attack the other Friday. (Lots of past deep wounding to that trigger, one I sit with in deeper and deeper reflection every damn year) One was a darker shade than the other. Thank you for the invite to pause, I accepted that invitation and 2balloons came to put the shadows in and release. The other day I chose a new path to venture down, one of ease and release. Now the release element makes sense. What the grief really wanted and needed was to be witnessed. Something I haven’t realised before. So maybe that’s why a repeat of these triggering conversations kept repeating in my head? Because the feeling of grief attached to it wanted to be witnessed? I can’t wait to see what a difference this makes. Thank you so much🙏💕

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Yay, I’m so glad you had a breakthrough and realised the grief needed to be witnessed! And how powerful to realise new triggers for your migraines. I hope it helps to alleviate them. And yes, grief can definitely nudge at you in various ways in order to get the attention it truly needs. Thank you for sharing your experience ❤️🌸

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Thank you. It will help to alleviate this particular type of attack but it’s been very much the long game with this type of (emotional) trigger. Taking me down the route of mother wound healing, father wound and witch wound. The occasions where all 3 wounds are being triggered take me into attack (the other year into a 3 month health relapse). It’s torture everytime. But the only way I glean any insights is to work through it and take what I can each time. I ventured into the depths of the trauma i experienced at childbirth the other week. Something I have never come across before but also linked to what was being triggered with this attack. It’s as fascinating at it is painful.

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Thought I’d share with you some more grief that came up at the wkend following this journey. I feel sure it was something that was started by this journey and theme into grief. In another healing experience, I was giving thanks and gratitude for a big thing I’m letting go of in my life right now and discovered a little sadness and grief attached to it (it was a lot of sadness and grief at one point). I had no idea it was still there. Later in the day I ended up in another (unexpected) healing experience where I managed to connect with it more deeply. I was so tired and sleepy as it was coming up then by the end of it I felt bright eyed, energetic, vibrant and lighter. Who knew we could work with grief in such a way?

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Thank you so much for sharing! Wow, it seems a lot is being uncovered right now 🌸❤️

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