You are always remarkably generous with your readers & I am so in support of you pouring your full energy into your creative calling right now ❣️ Good luck with pacing and everything else!

Right now I’m working on a playlist to celebrate Pride, a blog post about the complex relationship between gratitude and chronic illness, a long journal entry about the cicadas, and a pamphlet about how to exit a high-control group (aka cult) that I plan to gently give to the Jehovah’s Witnesses the next time they knock on our door haha. Just a few minutes a day on whichever project I’m most excited about! But as my disabled friend Nat reminds me, drop by drop the bucket is filled.

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Thank you so much! And yes: drop by drop the bucket is indeed filled. Good luck with all your projects, they sound both fun and important 🥰💕

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Of course, we’ll still be here when you return. Good to hear how you take care of yourself and being witness to the boundaries you Instill.

I’m preparing the journal aspect of my book that’s being published in ebook format. It’s been interesting to hear my inner critic pipe up and get really loud ! It’s telling me others will tell me I’m not qualified enough to teach people how to dare to dream, step into their inner power and fly fearlessly in the direction of their dreams.

What was most insightful is that I felt an energy round the back of my head an hour later. I wondered at the correlation between this and tension then migraine attack. Both followed suit and the next day I was ill for a few days.

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Thank you so much Amber! Argh inner critics are tiresome. Hope you can pat it on the head and tell it to relax. You’re amazing! Good luck on the ebook ❤️🌸

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It’s lovely to know that you are taking a break because you are doing something you truly love and are using your gifting. This feels my heart with joy and give me hope that I will be able to do more of things I love. With careful pacing. Your meditations are so so good and really help me. It lovely having them for people like in mind. They are such a blessing I am recommending them to my m.e/fibro group. Xxx

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Thank you so much, Mamie, for your words and recommendations ❤️🌸

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Good modeling!! It’s so essential to do the thing we love if at all possible!!! Good luck on your music and I’ll look forward to your next post when you are ready!! Much love 💜💜💜🌻🌻🌻🌳🌳🌳

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Thank you so much Lisa 💕🥰

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Oh I’m so excited for you Madelleine that the new medication is helping and that you get to use your precious energy for something like this ♥️ Blessings for your creative endeavors.

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Thank you so much Linn 💕🥰🌸

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Wishing you all the best, Madelleine. Thank you for being a leader and an inspiration. Thank you for valuing your dreams, your soul, and your body’s needs.

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Thank you so much Michelle 💕🥰

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